Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Leave everything and follow Me

Luke 5: 27  Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth.
"Follow Me," Jesus said to him, 
28 and Levi got up, LEFT EVERYTHING and followed Him.
29 Then Levi held a great banquet for Jesus AT HIS HOUSE, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them. 

這是聖經很有趣的一小段故事, 很多人一下就看過去, 可是很少人想到, 為何在Levi 拋下一下之後, 還在他“家” 開 派對, 奇怪? 不是才剛拋下一切嗎?  其實真實的意義並不是字面上所看到的, 這也順便道出了很多不信耶穌的人常拿著聖經的某章某節質問信耶穌的人, 阿不是要拋下一切嗎? 還不快離家出走,  如果你心態沒有調成耶穌模式的話, 你看聖經只是看表面而已, 反而會誤解真正的意思 

這裡的Left everything 指的是 你認定所有你持有的東西都回歸給上帝, 上帝才是真正的持有者, 你只是一個經理負責幫忙管理上帝的資產, 這裡隱含的是一種全新的運用資源的方式, 你是資產管理者, 你的責任是管理好這些不屬於你的資產, 然後追隨上帝的腳步  

如果你用這樣的方式去想的話, 也就不會覺得為何Levi 之後還開派對的事情奇怪

The prestige: "Are you watching closely? "

Thursday, July 17, 2014

眼光看多遠, 雪球就滾多遠

複利的好處就有如滾雪球一樣, 如果一開始你有$10000 元 現金, 然後投入一個美國全市場基金 (Vanguard Total Stock Market Fund, VTI) 每隔1年再持續放入$10000 元, VTI 10年的年化報酬率大約9%, 所以你的資產會每年以9% 成長, 十年之後, 你會有 $175,602.93 元, 二十年後, 你會有567,645.30 元, 三十年後, 你會有$1,495,752.17 元 隨著時間的累積, 財富累積效果會越來越猛, 越早開始,  時間是就越會是你的朋友而不是你的敵人

N代表年份, I 代表報酬率, PV代表初始投資資本
PMT代表每年再投入資本, FV 是未來價值

N 10
PV -$10,000
PMT -$10,000 FV $175,602.93
N 20
I 9%
PV -$10,000
PMT -$10,000 FV $567,645.30
N 30
I 9%
PV -$10,000
PMT -$10,000 FV $1,495,752.17

自從在學校學跟自己自修各式的財金書籍外加實際操作, 深深覺得... 投資 可以簡單, 也可以很困難, 簡單的是你其實只需要不到十個的選擇就夠了也根本不需要什麼多高深的知識就可以很有成就, 難的是你要有過人的紀律以及耐心

如何擁有過人的紀律及耐心呢?  在心態 及預算掌控

先從心態說起, 想像你要種一棵樹, 你必須要先投入一些資本( 土地, 土, 種子, 鏟子, 水) , 然後每天固定的澆水( 定期再投入資本), 太陽光會讓這棵小樹苗慢慢成長 ( 報酬率), 你不能沒事就把樹苗拔掉 (抽出資金), 這樣只會破壞一切打下的根基, 10年後, 20年後, 30年後, 你不只得到一棵大樹, 還是一棵可以可以遮陽(造福他人)的大樹, 這棵大樹不止養活了你, 也養活了你的子孫, 讓他們能夠在樹下乘涼

假設你建立了這樣的心態, 接下來就是預算控制, 這些預算控制的流程都來自一位叫Dave Ramsey 的人想出來的, 我只是稍微修改了一下, 假設你有一份工作, 你要先開始存一部份的錢當作急用錢, 因為天有不測風雲, 人有旦夕禍福, 隨時都要留一手

然後呢, 開始償還一切債務 (除了房貸), 卡債, 車貸, 信用卡債, 因為這些債務只會吃掉你額外的錢, 不如馬上打擊掉它們!

接下來開始存 3-6個月 的每月開銷錢, 這些額外的錢可以保證你如果突然丟掉工作, 你還有段緩衝期可以安心過, 直到找到下一份工作

再來就是投資的部分了, 固定投入15% 的工錢進入投資, 投資是在你做完上述所有的事以後才做的, 不用一次全丟入投資, 因為還有其他事要做, 要開始存一部份的錢給未來小孩上大學的錢,
最終階段, 剩餘的錢全部拿去砸房貸, 能多快還就多快還!  等到還完房貸以後你就可以享受大部份人都沒體驗過的人生,  你可以選擇再投資, 也可以選擇幫助別人,  錢這東西生不帶來死也帶不走, 如果可以用額外的錢來造福他人, 何樂而不為?

最後分享幾張 巴菲特公司波克夏跟S&P 500 指數1年, 5年, 17 年比較圖




你的眼光看多遠, 你的雪球就滾多遠, 一字在之心

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Berkshire Hathaway (BRK.B)

" Price is what you pay, value is what you get"   
- Warren Buffett


  • Berkshire can be viewed as the world largest hedge fund that continuously adjusts its portfolio into the right sectors and consistently generate solid cash flows every year

  • Berkshire’s stock performance generates higher returns than the S&P 500 index, while bears less losses than the S&P 500 index during the crisis period

  • Berkshire had extraordinary performances over the past 5 years, sales and earning growth rates both steady increased over time, 10.8% and 30%, respectively

Berkshire is a very well known holding company that has one of kind historical records outperforming the market. What amazed me is Berkshire’s business model, its insurance operation enable Berkshire to have sufficient cash position upfront with less than zero cost of capital (because of underwriting profit) to invest in undervalued companies that generate higher returns and cash flows back to Berkshire. Mr. Buffett and his talented team carefully invest in market leaders with wider economic moat that ensures their long-term success, and Mr. Buffet usually trust the original management teams so that they can continue navigating business to long-term directions. 

Mr. Buffett and his teams established 15 owner-related business principles that ensure management teams are carefully followed these wise guidelines. Instead of saying Berkshire has a portfolio of good talented people, it is better to say Berkshire has a portfolio of good skills that make sure that the entire company can go toward the right directions with right money management, assets management, investment management, operation management, strategy management and so forth.

According to Berkshire’s 2013 annual report, starting from 1965 to 2013, Berkshire has 19.7% of comp annual gain (per share book value) while S&P has 9.7% of comp annual gain. Also, if you buy $1 worth of BRK.B stock in 1965, you will have $6935.18 in 2013. S&P 500 index, however, would only give you $98.41 worth in 2013. In bubble (2001-2002), BRK.B had 5.7% and 32.1% spread compared to S&P 500. Moreover, in recent financial crisis (2007-2008), BRK.B had 5.5% and 27.4% spread compared to S&P 500.

In terms of Berkshire’s financial performance, Berkshire has consistent 18% and 8% of its operating margin and net profit margin, respectively.  In addition, its EPS comp annual growth over the past 5 years is around 30%. As a result, the company is in a very good shape and a good long-term investment to execute a buy-and-hold-forever strategy. I feel comfortable with their long-term perspective, and Berkshire’s cash positions are sufficient to handle any unexpected emergency event in the future.


I write this article myself, and express my own opinions. I do not have any business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in the article. Any investor should do proper research or seek advice from a broker or a financial adviser before making any investment decisions.